
Sign the People’s Demands for CLIMATE JUSTICE

We call on government delegates to the 24th Conference of the Parties (COP24, December 2-14, 2018) to the UNFCCC to stand with people across the world – not Big Polluters – and immediately take steps to address the climate crisis. The urgency of the climate crisis requires a just response centered in human rights, equity and justice. We demand all government delegates:

  • Keep fossil fuels in the ground

  • Reject false solutions that are displacing real, people-first solutions to the climate crisis

  • Advance real solutions that are just, feasible, and essential.

  • Honor climate finance obligations to developing countries.

  • End Corporate Interference and Capture of the climate talks

  • Ensure developed countries honor their Fair Shares for largely fueling this crisis



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People’s Demands for Climate Justice

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In euismod velit leo. Ut lacus sem, luctus sed tellus eget, varius pulvinar turpis. Vestibulum molestie efficitur sem, congue scelerisque nisi ullamcorper in. Morbi eget neque sed nisi egestas placerat.

Suspendisse ut quam orci. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nam pellentesque turpis et convallis porta. Nulla condimentum ac erat sit amet imperdiet. In maximus nisi et nulla efficitur, in pellentesque ex euismod. Aenean sed magna dui. Vestibulum placerat tortor turpis, ac porta sapien lobortis eget. Morbi scelerisque sem non ex euismod, ut ultrices ligula vulputate. Sed tempus cursus nibh vel mattis. Proin varius ex eget urna porttitor scelerisque. Ut sit amet magna sed mauris mattis dignissim vel eu nisl.


1. Keep fossil fuels in the ground

Here is some description text.

Nunc cursus erat ut nisi facilisis, vel fringilla neque pellentesque.

Pellentesque habitant.

Morbi tristique facilisis habitant.

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2. Reject false solutions that are displacing real, people-first solutions to the climate crisis

Here is some description text.

Nunc cursus erat ut nisi facilisis, vel fringilla neque pellentesque.

Pellentesque habitant.

Morbi tristique facilisis habitant.

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3. Advance real solutions that are just, feasible, and essential

Here is some description text.

Nunc cursus erat ut nisi facilisis, vel fringilla neque pellentesque.

Pellentesque habitant.

Morbi tristique facilisis habitant.

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4. Honor climate finance obligations to developing countries

Here is some description text.

Nunc cursus erat ut nisi facilisis, vel fringilla neque pellentesque.

Pellentesque habitant.

Morbi tristique facilisis habitant.

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5. End corporate interference and capture of the climate talks

Here is some description text.

Nunc cursus erat ut nisi facilisis, vel fringilla neque pellentesque.

Pellentesque habitant.

Morbi tristique facilisis habitant.

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6. Ensure developed countries honor their Fair Shares for largely fueling this crisis

Here is some description text.

Nunc cursus erat ut nisi facilisis, vel fringilla neque pellentesque.

Pellentesque habitant.

Morbi tristique facilisis habitant.

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