The People's Demands for Climate Justice

Sign the People’s Demands for Climate Justice

To: Government representatives to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC),

We urge you to stand with people across the world — not Big Polluters — and immediately take steps to address the climate crisis.

Climate change is the crisis of our time. Through implementation of the Paris Agreement, you have the opportunity to develop policies that will affect the lives of billions of people.

The urgency of the climate crisis requires a just response centered on human rights, equity, and justice. We demand you:

  • Keep fossil fuels in the ground.

  • Reject false solutions that are displacing real, people-first solutions to the climate crisis.

  • Advance real solutions that are just, feasible, and essential.

  • Honor climate finance obligations to developing countries.

  • End corporate interference in and capture of the climate talks.

  • Ensure developed countries honor their “Fair Shares” for largely fueling this crisis.


295,000+ Signatures from 130 countries, and 403 Organisations have signed the People’s Demands!

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The People's Demands for Climate Justice

Climate change is the crisis of our time. Its intensifying impacts are affecting millions of people around the world, the health of our planet, and is driving species extinction. It is disproportionately affecting the people and communities globally who have contributed the least to creating this planetary emergency.

This crisis requires urgent, vital, and ambitious action. And this ambition must center people’s lives and human rights, and be grounded in principles of equity and historical responsibility. Through implementation of the Paris Agreement, you have the opportunity to develop policies that will affect the lives of billions of people. Countries and industries most responsible for emitting greenhouse gases, and for obstructing and delaying progress on averting the worst effects of this crisis, must be held accountable for their actions, and should bear the greatest responsibility in paying the costs of a global, just, and equitable transition to a 100 percent fossil fuel free future.

These are the People’s Demands, our call to government delegates, grounded in people’s movements from every continent, that demand with one voice what is our birthright: climate justice.


Keep fossil fuels in the ground

1. Developed countries pledge for a just and equitable transition to 100 percent Renewable Energy by 2030.

2. Governments phase out subsidies to the fossil fuel industry and pledge to divest fully from fossil fuels by 2020.

3. Pledge to an outright and immediate ban on fracking and adopt a global moratorium on new fossil fuel exploration and extraction techniques.

4. Agree to an international moratorium on new coal projects effective immediately.


Reject false solutions that are displacing real, people-first solutions to the climate crisis

1. Reject offsets and stop the transition of the Clean Development Mechanism into the guidelines for implementation of the Paris Agreement in the guise of the Sustainable Development Mechanism.

2. Honor the international Moratorium on geoengineering established by the Convention on Biological Diversity.

3. Reject Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) projects, and other technofixes.

4. Stop the conversion of local agricultural lands to non-food production purposes.

5. Reject REDD+, REDD-like projects, Internationally-Traded Mitigation Outcomes (ITMOs), and all forms of carbon trading schemes that undermine human and indigenous rights, including indigenous cultures, territorial sovereignty, and integrity.

6. Stop supporting and promoting burning biomass as renewable energy and reject the substitution of biofuels and bioenergy as an alternative to fossil fuels.

7. Reject corporate-fronted schemes promoting so-called “Climate Smart Agriculture”.


Advance real solutions that are just, feasible, and essential

1. Transform energy systems away from corporate-controlled fossil fuels and other harmful sources such as nuclear, mega-hydro, and biofuels to a clean, safe system that empowers people and communities.

2. Support ecological restoration to recover natural sinks, and stop all projects that are extremely destructive of Earth’s natural capacity to absorb greenhouse gases.

3. Support global efforts for a just and equitable transition that enables energy democracy, creates new job opportunities, encourages distributed renewable energy, and protects workers and communities most affected by extractive economies.

4. Commit to policies that embrace agro-ecological practices and food sovereignty in place of “Climate Smart Agriculture”.

5. Facilitate and support non-market approaches to climate action.

6. Adopt a technology framework that recognizes the importance of endogenous and indigenous technologies and innovations in addressing climate change, and enables developing countries and communities to develop, access, and transfer environmentally sound, socially acceptable, gender responsive and equitable climate technologies.

7. Respect and enable non-corporate, community-led climate solutions that recognize the traditional knowledge, practices, wisdom, and resilience of indigenous peoples and local communities, and protect rights over their lands and territories.

8. Ensure participatory and transparent assessment of all proposed climate technologies and reject barriers to technology access and transfer such as intellectual property rights.


Honor climate finance obligations to developing countries

1. Replenish the Green Climate Fund to ratchet up climate action to stay below 1.5 degree Celsius global temperature rise, and fulfill developed countries’ commitment to provide $100 billion a year by 2020.

2. Provide adequate and real money (in addition to Overseas Development Assistance) to scale up adaptation and ensure protection to climate migrants and those impacted by climate change.

3. Developed countries must make new concrete pledges of public climate finance accompanied by a definite timeline for delivery.

4. Commit to climate reparations to those most affected but least responsible for climate change.


End corporate interference in and capture of the climate talks

1. Advance a conflict of interest policy that protects Paris Agreement implementation and global climate policy from obstruction by Big Polluters, and mandates governments take action at the national level.

2. Prohibit industries that profit from fossil fuels and the climate crisis from influencing international and national climate policy forums.

3. Reject every attempt by corporations and their proxies to insert themselves into the negotiations.

4. Advance a call to hold corporations accountable for the impacts of decades of misinformation and political interference in climate policy.


Developed countries must honor their “Fair Shares” for largely fueling this crisis

1. Developed countries must publicly recognize and act on their greater historical responsibility for greenhouse gas emissions.

2. Ensure developed countries take ambitious action in accordance with their historical responsibility and capacity, with ambitious domestic targets (including the rapid phase out of fossil fuel extraction and dirty energy subsidies), international cooperation, and support for global climate finance and Just Transition in developing countries.

3. Drastically increase the ambition of domestic commitments and global targets to limit warming to 1.5 Celsius and ensure such commitments are set in accordance with science and equity.

Statement on COP24 sit-in

December, 2018
Katowice, Poland

Governments must take responsibility and provide real leadership to halt climate breakdown. They are failing completely to do so, and their failures are on full display here at COP24. These negotiations are not on track to pass the tests of science …

Governments must take responsibility and provide real leadership to halt climate breakdown. They are failing completely to do so, and their failures are on full display here at COP24. These negotiations are not on track to pass the tests of science and justice.

We are in the midst of a climate emergency, facing droughts, storms, and ecosystem collapse of an unprecedented intensity. The lives and livelihoods of billions are at risk, with the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people bearing the brunt of a climate crisis that fans the flames of injustice everywhere.

In October, the world’s scientists made clear that to limit warming to 1.5ºC – a goal set in the Paris Agreement – we must take immediate action, including policies for stopping all new fossil fuel projects, drastically scaling up finance and technology transfer from rich countries to the global South, and eliminating dangerous distractions like carbon market schemes. To be truly effective, we must do this in a way that is fair and just for grassroots and frontline communities, ensuring that the burden does not fall on the poor and those who are most affected by – but least responsible for – the climate crisis.

As people of the world, we demand climate justice and a safer climate with under 1.5ºC of warming. Governments must take responsibility and provide real leadership to halt climate breakdown. They are failing completely to do so, and their failures are on full display here at COP24.

These negotiations are not on track to pass the tests of science and justice. The forces of fossil fuel corporations and the politicians they pay are strong – industry logos are plastered throughout the conference and their influence is felt everywhere. Rich country governments who are heavily invested in fossil fuel production – including the US, EU, Australia, and Japan – have abandoned their responsibilities. They say they will not provide real money for real solutions in poorer countries. Nor will they cut their own emissions, begin a managed decline off the fossil fuel industry, or support communities facing irreversible and devastating impacts from climate change.

In this context, it is no surprise that the rules for the Paris Agreement which will be agreed at this COP are not going to be strong enough to give us the transformative action we need. Nobody expected one conference to solve the climate crisis by itself. But we did expect better than this – and we do deserve better.

That is why hundreds of thousands of people around the globe have launched the People’s Demands for Climate Justice, laying out a clear vision for the world we need. We are already taking action to stop fossil fuel projects on our land, resist the corporations profiting from climate destruction, and target the merchants of chaos in banks and the financial sector. Now we need everyone to join this fight.

We welcome the fact that school children, responding to the call of 15-year-old Greta Thunberg, are going on strike – not for their tomorrow – but for their today. And we stand in solidarity with environmental defenders around the world who are laying their lives on the line to fight dirty energy and false solutions on the frontlines.

Inside these halls, we are calling on the rich polluting countries to stop obstructing progress and to support the just transition we need. Outside after this conference, we join with existing movements of impacted communities to support their demands – the People’s Demands – refusing to accept world leaders’ failures to keep fossil fuels in the ground, to reject false solutions like carbon markets, bioenergy and techno-fixes, to invest in real solutions, provide finance and technology for developing countries, protect environmental and human rights defenders, and address the needs of communities hit hardest by climate impacts.

The recent IPCC report underscores a stark reality: we must act now to define a just and equitable path forward to avert climate chaos. To that end, we call on all rich polluting countries to immediately commit to revised global commitments and enact domestic policy that ensures a managed decline and just transition off fossil fuels to clean, renewable energy within the next 12 years.

Today, we demand that countries commit to action in line with the urgency of the crisis. Tomorrow, we will continue to build our movements at home calling for these governments to implement that urgent action to create a just and sustainable world.

Endorse As An Organisation

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If you represent an organisation interested in endorsing the People’s Demands, please fill out the form below.

Convening Organisations

Collectively shaped by people’s movements around the world, these demands are an international statement rooted in southern movements, and with input from numerous climate justice organizations and people’s movements around the world.

The People’s Demands lays out a vision for a truly just international climate policy. We must ensure the demands of people, not the fossil fuel industry and other Big Polluters, is what is centered in the lead up to and during COP24 in Poland this December, 2018.

Endorsing Organisations

198 Methods

350 Brooklyn


350 Massachusetts for a Better Future Pilipinas

350 Triangle

Abibiman Foundation


Active Help Organization (AHO)


Adivasi Navjeewan Gathan Navjyoti Agua (ANGNA)

Adrian Dominican Sister

Advancing Latinas into Leadership

Advocacy, Research, Training and Services (ARTS) Foundation

African Law Foundation (AFRILAW)

Ageing Nepal

Agno Concerned Citizens for Ecologically Secured and Sustainable Development Inc.

Agricultural Missions, Inc. (AMI)

ALGA Association (Rural Women's Association) - Kyrgyzstan


Aliança RECOs - Redes de Cooperação Comunitária Sem Fronteiras

Alliance for Future Generations - Fiji

Alternativa Verda (Catalunya)


Alyansa Tigil Mina (ATM)

Amazon Watch

Amihan National Federation of Peasant Women

ANA (Aimons Notre Afrique)

Anglican Church of Southern African Environmental Network

AppleSeed Permaculture

Arab Watch Coalition for Just Development

Arab Youth Climate Movement

Artha Studio

Asha Parivar

Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development

Asia-Pacific Network for Food Sovereignty

Asociación Cubana de las Naciones Unidas

Association Akabar Du Sud Pour La Protection De L'Environnement Et Développement Durable

Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID)

Associazione Cieliblù

Associazione Istituto Ecoambientale

Athens County (OH) Fracking Action Network

Attac France

Auto Fashions

AWAZ Foundation Pakistan: Centre for Development Services

Aytzim: Ecological Judaism

Bangladesh Centre for Human Rights and Development (BCHRD)

Bangladesh University of Professionals

Bank Information Center Europe


Be a Hero PAC

Berks Gas Truth

Berkshire Environmental Action Team

Better Path Coalition

Beyond Beijing Committee (BBC)

Bibliotherapy asbl

Bioscience Resource Project

Biowatch South Africa

Blue Future

BodyMind Integration

Borok People's Human Rights Organisation - Twipra

Boston Catholic Climate Movement

Boston Student Advisory Council (BSAC)

Borneo Dayak Forum International

Brave New Films

Bretton Woods Project

Bucks County Sierra Club

Bucks Environmental Action

BUNDjugend (Young Friends of the Earth Germany)

Cambridge University Zero Carbon Society

Campaign for America's Future

Campaign for Human Right & Development International (CHRDI)


Center for Development and Improvement of Public Life - Tetovo

Center for Environmental Health

Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)

Center for Popular Democracy

Center of Regional Science and Development

Center for Women's Resources (CWR)

中部平埔族群青年聯盟Central Taiwan Ping-Pu Indigenous Groups Youth Alliance

Centre for Human Rights and Development (CHRD Mongolia)

Centre for Peace and Justice

Centre justice et foi (CJF)

Centre for Research and AdvocacyManipur

Centre for Sustainable Development in Mountainous areas (CSDM) Viet Nam

Centro de Derechos Económicos y Sociales-CDES

CESTA FOE El Salvador

Chico 350

Child Health Organization

Chinese Progressive Association


Citizens Climate Lobby Howard County

Citizens for Clean Water

Citizens United for Renewable Energy (CURE)

Civil Society Education Partnership Timor-Leste (CEPTIL)

CLEAN (Coastal Livelihood and Environmental Action Network)


Climate Art Project

CCC19 - Climate Change and Consciousness

Climate Hawks Vote

Climate Generation: A Will Steger Legacy

Climate Justice Edmonton

Climate Justice Programme


Climate Watch Thailand

Coalition to Protect New York


Colorado Interfaith Power and Light

Common Defense

Common Dreams

Community Alliance for Global Justice

Community and Family Aid Foundation - Ghana

Community Initiatives for Development in Pakistan

Community Resource Centre Thailand - มูลนิธิศูนย์ข้อมูลชุมชน

Compressor Free Franklin

Conservancy Hornby Island

Cooperative Development Institute

Coordination Office of the Austrian Bishop's Conference for International Development and Mission (KOO)

Corporación ECOFONDO

Corporación Ecológica y Cultural Penca de Sábila

The Council of Canadians

Counterpoints Arts


Daily Kos

Dalit Alliance for Natural Resources(DANAR)-Nepal

Deepti Bhuban

The Democracy Center

Democracy for America

Diverse Voices and Action for Equality (DIVA), Fiji

Dogwood Alliance

Dominican Leadership Conference

Dominican Sisters of Houston

Don't Gas the Pinelands

DOZ e.V. (DOZ International)

Earth Action, Inc.

Earth Ethics, Inc.

Earth in Brackets [Earth]

Earthlife Africa Durban


East Africa Climate Change Network

Eastern Connecticut Green Action

Eco-Justice Ministries

Ecopreneurs for the Climate



Educar Consumidores

ELA (Euskal Langileen Alkartasuna – Basque Workers Solidarity)

El Amel Association for Social Development

Empower India

Empowered Happy Senior Citizens Network Inc.


Energy and Climate Policy Institute for Just Transition

En-Sense Solutions Inc.

Environmental Justice Coalition for Water

Environmental Rights Action | Friends of the Earth Nigeria

Fannie Lou Hamer Institute

Farmworker Association of Florida

Federation of Community Forestry Users Nepal (FECOFUN)

Flint Rising

Food Chain Workers Alliance

Fossil Free PCUSA

Foundation For The Conservation Of The Earth (FOCONE)

Franciscan Action Network

Freedom from Debt Coalition

Friends of the Earth Ireland

Friends of the Earth Japan

Friends of the Earth U.S.

Friends of the Earth West Fife

Fundación Étnica Integral

Fund for Democratic Communities

Gas Free Seneca

The Gastivists Collective

Global Catholic Climate Movement

Global Justice Now

Go Green Northbrook

Gram Bharati Samiti (GBS)

Grassroots International

Green America

The GreenAsia Group


Green Sanctuary Committee, Community Church of NY, Unitarian Universalist

Green Scenery

Group of Scientists and Engineers for a Non Nuclear Future

Gulf Coast Center for Law & Policy

Harrington Investments, Inc.

Hawaii Interfaith Power and Light

Hawaii Institute for Human Rights

Houston Peace And Justice Center

Humanitaire Plus (Togo)

Human Rights Focus Pakistan (HRFP)

IBON International

Inclusive Development International

Indian Social Action Forum

Institute for Christian Communities

Institute for Social Ecology

Institute of Strategic and Development Studies (ISDS)

Integrated Regional Support Programme

Interfaith Power and Light

International Presentation Association

International Youth Alliance

Irish Doctors for Environment

Islamic Relief Worldwide

Italian Climate Network

Jagaran Media Center


Jamaa Resource Initiatives

Jeunes de Guinée pour le Climat

Jeunes Volontaires pour l'Environnement - International

Jordens Vänner Sverige/ Friends of the Earth Sweden

Jubilee Debt Campaign

Just Roots Inc.

Kentucky Interfaith Power & Light

Kesatuan Nelayan Tradisional Indonesia (KNTI/Indonesia Traditional Fisherfolk Union)


Khpal Kore Organization

KRuHA (People's coalition for the right to water)

Kothowain (Vulnerable Peoples Development Organization)

La Grotta di Guizzo Azzurro

LDC Watch

Lead Tchad

Leave it in the Ground Initiative (LINGO)

LEDARS Bangladesh

Left Action

Les Amis de la Terre Togo / Friends of the Earth Togo

Loretto at the United Nations

Life Haven Center for Independent Living

Living Green Campaign Zimbabwe

Local Futures

Lori R. Mendez plc

Maldivian Network for Empowering Women (MNEW)

Manushya Foundation

Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns

Maryknoll Sisters Eastern Region


Media Alliance

Medical Mission Sisters

Mercy Global Action New York

Mercy International Association

Million Hoodies for Justice Movement


Mothers Out Front

Movimento Mulheres pela P@Z!

Nadi Ghati Morcha

Nash Vek Public Foundation - Kyrgyzstan

National Alliance of Women (NAWO), India

National Campaign For Sustainable Development Nepal (C4SD)

National Economic & Social Rights Initiative

National Fisheries Solidarity Movement, Sri Lanka

Nature's Legacy Organic Heirloom Seeds

Navdanya International


New Mexico Environmental Law Center

NET Africa (Natural Environment Technology in Africa)

NGO Federation of Nepal

NGO Forum on ADB

Nigerian Women Agro Allied Farmers Association

No Canton Gas Pipeline: Toward an Equitable Sustainable Future

No Fracked Gas in Mass

North-East Affected Area Development Society (NEADS)

Northern Michigan Environmental Action Council

North Parish UU Climate Justice

The Oakland Institute


Oil Change International

Ole Siosiomaga Society Incorporated (OLSSI)

Organic Consumers Association

Our Revolution

Our Revolution Massachusetts

Our Revolution Santa Ana

OVEC-Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition

Pacific Disability Forum

Pacific Environment

Pakistan Fisher Folk Forum (PFF)

Pakistan Kissan Rabita Committee

Pani Haq Samiti

Papora Indigenous Development Association 拍瀑拉族

Papora Indigenous Youth Council

Partnership for Global Justice

Pax Christi Greensburg, PA, USA

People Demanding Action

People for a Healthy Environment

People For Bernie

People Over Pipelines

Peterborough Alliance for Climate Action

philippinenbüro e.V.

Physicians For Social Responsibility Pennsylvania

Plastic Diet

Plastic Pollution Coalition

Polar Bear Garage Sale

Polaris Institute

Popular Resistance

Power Shift Network

Presbyterians For Earth Care

Progress America

Progressive Asian Network for Action (PANA)

Progressive Democrats Of America

Proyecto sobre Organización, Desarrollo, Educación e Investigación (PODER)

Psychological Responsiveness NGO

PUSH Sweden

Rainbow Pride Foundation

Rainforest Action Network

Rain Ink

Rastriya Dalit Network (RDN) Nepal

Reacción Climática - Bolivia

Red de Educación Popular Entre Mujeres América Latina y Caribe REPEM LAC

Red Line Art Works

Red Nacional de Acueductos Comunitarios de Colombia

Red Nacional de Agricultura Familiar RENAF Colombia

Regeneration International

Rejuvenate America

Renewables Now Loveland

Research Centre for Gender, Family and Environment in Development (CGFED)

Resource Generation

Responsible Drilling Alliance / Keep It Wild


Restaurant Opportunities Centers (ROC) United


Roots for Equity


Safe Alternatives for our Forest Environment

Sanford-Oquaga Area Concerned Citizens (S-OACC)

Schola Campesina

S-CODE (Centre For Sustainable Community Development - Vietnam)

SEEDS of Southwest New Mexico

Seneca Lake Guardian

SENTRO NCTU mga Nagkakaisa at Progresibong Manggagawa

Share The World's Resources

Shelter Participatory Organization

Sisters of Charity Federation

Sisters of Mercy of the Americas' Institute Justice Team

Sisters of the Presentation

SoCal 350 Climate Action

Socialist Party (India)

Society for International Development (SID)

Society for Sustainable Living

South Coast Neighbors United

South Durban Community Environmental Alliance (SDCEA)

Southern African Faith Communities Environment Institute (SAFCEI)


Sunflower Alliance

Support for Women in Agriculture and Environment (SWAGEN)


Sustainable Economies Law Center

Sustainable Planet Foundation


Swiss Youth for Climate

Syracuse Peace Council

Tanzania Organization for Agricultural Development (TOfAD)

The Equality Trust

The Leap

The New York Club

The River Project

TierrActiva Peru

Town of Carrboro, North Carolina


Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development

UK Youth Climate Coalition

Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth

Unitarian Universalist Service Committee

Unspoiled Coast

Upper Valley Affinity Group (Vermont, US)

Urban Sustainability Department at Antioch University, Los Angeles

U.S. Department of Arts and Culture

U.S. House Representative-Elect Rashida Tlaib

UU Mass Action

UU Young Adults for Climate Justice

Vietnamese Thai's Indigenous Knowledge Network (VTIK)

Vision for Alternative Development

War on Want

We Are Cove Point

Wellness for Life

Western New York Environmental Alliance

WildEarth Guardians

Woman Spirit Ireland

Women's Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International

Women's Rehabilitation Centre (WOREC) Nepal

WoMin African Alliance

World Democratic Governance project association - WDGpa

World Forum of Fisher Peoples

World Public Health Nutrition Association

Youth Association for Development

Youth Climate Lab

Youth For Environment Education And Development Foundation

Youth On Board